“They are beings of magic conceived in the womb of the forest. No wonder their existence is so interwoven with the health of the land around them” -Børn Stiga
Physical Appearance
Kitsune are fox people of the Yasumori Forest. Like the other races of the forest Kitsune hail from a patron god. A kitsune can be easily identified by their ability to change from a fox form to a elf. They Tend to have fur colorings ranging from orange to a shining gold color. Kitsune Eye color while usually an emerald green can also vary with known colors including but likely not limited to, purple, red, silver, and gold. When in humanoid form the kitsune fox ears and tail(s) Remain in which the being can choose to hide, using illusion magic. Kitsune age very slowly and tend to remain in a state of looking 20-30 for most of their lives, spending only the last of their years looking more elder.
Kitsune Traits
Ability Score Increase. Kitsune receive a +2 to Charisma
Age. Kitsune reach adulthood around 17 and stop most physical aging in their 20s. They tend to live from 180-200 years old
Alignment. Kitsune can be both good and evil though in both paths most tend to be more chaotic.
Size. Kitsune are Medium sized beings ranging from 4’8” to 6’
speed. In humanoid form a kitsune has a base speed of 30, In fox form 35
Transformation. Kitsune are able to transform at will from a fox to a humanoid form. In their fox form they gain a +2 in perception, athletics, and stealth but a -1 in intimidation, sleight of hand, and medicine checks.
Kitsune Disguise. Kitsune are able to use minor illusion magic inorder to disguise their tails and ears in their humanoid form. It can also be used to change their appearance slightly. A creature looking directly at you can make an Intelligence (Investigation) check, to tell that you are not what you appear to be, though they still cannot perceive your true form. The DC for this check is equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. This magic is detectable by spells such as detect magic and dispelled in an antimagic field or by a successful dispel magic. Your proficiency bonus is considered the level of the spell for the sake of dispel magic. If your illusion is dispelled you cannot use the effect again until after a long rest.
Language. Kitsune know how to read and write common as well as Yasugo
Sub Race. There are two primary sub races. Chino and the Tsunoju
The Chinoju are very intune with the earth as and
The Chinoju are very intune with the earth as and
The Chinoju are very intune with the earth as and